5 HR transformations in through AI conversations

HR employee with AI

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, AI conversations in business have emerged as an HR transformation force. As businesses strive to stay competitive, AI-powered conversations, interviews, surveys, and feedback tools are becoming essential. Companies look for key drivers to reduce costs, and accelerate time-to-market to drive growth. Let’s explore how companies can leverage AI in […]

Mobile chat interviews: The new channel to engage with your candidates!

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, mobile chat interviews have emerged as the ultimate gateway to understanding your candidates. With the evolving art and science of connecting with your target audience, recruiting teams are on the hunt for ingenious strategies. Among them, mobile interviews shine as a powerful tool, revolutionizing insights collection and candidate engagement. Almost […]

The Secret of AI Interviews for HR

Discover the secrets of AI interviews through innovative intelligent conversations. HR and recruitment teams can harness the power of this cutting-edge technology to save time and resources, all the while enhancing the quality of their processes. In the dynamic landscape of talent acquisition, businesses are constantly seeking ways to streamline their recruitment processes. Ensuring that […]

Talk more, type less

We have some exciting news to share with you! 🎉 We’ve been hard at work at Chattysurvey, and we are thrilled to announce our latest game-changing feature – voice surveys! That’s right, you can now engage with ChattySurvey through voice interactions, making customer discovery and product feedback easier and more interactive than ever before! 🗣️💬 […]

The history of AI: from Alan Turing to Chatgpt

Introduction The history of AI (Artificial Intelligence) dates back over 50 years, and it is undeniably fascinating. AI has evolved to become an integral part of modern life, and the current AI solutions are driving revolutionary changes in industries. However, beneath this extraordinary progress lies a captivating history, enriched by influential pioneers and groundbreaking innovations. […]

Open questions using AI: the Future of killer questions:

Introduction Open-ended questions will be the new revoluion thanks to AI. These are designed to allow candidates to provide free-text, unrestricted responses in their early contacts with HR. Unlike closed-ended questions, they do not limit participants to predefined answer options. Traditional closed-ended surveys present participants with a fixed set of predetermined answer choices. While they […]