AI Recruiter to screen your candidates

Use an AI Recruiter to help your hiring process saving time and reources. Have a real conversations with your candidates in less than 24h after they applied for the job position.

conversation AI Recruiter

Maximize your resources with our AI Recruiter

Converse with all candidates

Gone are the days of missing out on valuable conversations with potential hires. Our AI Recruiter ensures that every candidate receives personalized, timely interviews to collect all feedback. 

Reduce 95% screening time

With an AI Recruiter, you can move from job posting to job offer in just days. Automation and intelligent screening processes ensure that you’re identifying the best-fit candidates faster than ever.

Easy and simple set up

Our user-friendly platform is designed for quick and hassle-free installation. In less than 5 minutes you can set up your interview. You don’t need to be a tech-savvy or expert in AI to use ChattyHiring. 

Increase your candidate experience

AI-powered Recruiters enhance the candidate experience by expanding your ability to engage with every applicant.  Thanks to artificial intelligence, you can maintain consistent interactions with all your candidates and gather essential insights. 


Improve your employer branding through the utilization of Artificial Intelligence. You will not only save time but also focus from your team. Provide a best in class interaction with your candidates while delegating the laborious screening process to an AI recruiter that operates without bias.

candidate experience NPS

Start taking advantage of ChattyHiring today

Key features to ensure best performance

Our AI-Powered Net Promoter Score solution offers a suite of comprehensive analytics to fully understand your loytalty ratings.

Available 24/7​

By offering AI-driven interactions, you can engage with candidates around the clock. This 24/7 availability ensures that applicants get the attention and information they need when it’s convenient for them. 

User your voice or chat

Maximize the candidate experience by offering them their preffered communication channel. Whether they prefer voice or text inputs, AI Recruiter adapts to their communication style. 

Define your Recruiter behaviour

You have the power to define your Recruiter’s behavior. Tailor the conversation flow, responses, and tone to align with your company’s values and hiring strategy. This personalization not only saves time but also leaves a lasting impression on candidates.

Mobile or Desktop

With access available through both mobile and desktop devices, your candidates can engage with the AI Recruiter, no matter where they are. We ensure you never miss out on a potential hire, whether you’re at your desk or on the go.

AI Recruiter advantadges vs traditional screening

Our AI system is your ultimate ally in the quest for top talent.
You’ll be on the fast track to securing the best candidates for your organization.

Traditional Screening process
Manual engagement
1 week
Tedious coordination for a screening call
Small candidate coverage
Manual candidate review
CV keywords information
AI Recruiter screening interviews
Automatic Conversations
Screening in <24h
Direct access through Whatsapp
Full candidate coverage
Autoamtic insights real time
CV + Interview details + AI Rating

Remove manual hiring tasks thanks to Emily